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Sunday Worship

Sunday at 10:45am


​Join us for live worship. We have a unique blend of cultures as we sing songs from contemporary praise and worship.


After worship the Pastor will give a teaching on the Word of God, designed to inspire, motivate, uplift, and challenge members to move into their upcoming work week with passion, love and encouragement. Services are held in English with Spanish translation available.

God's plan for you is for you to live a full and rewarding life!


We look forward to meeting you!

Kid's Ministry

Sunday at 10:45am


Pastor Sheri DeJesus presents structured activities and fun filled lessons from the Bible weekly. The mission of the Children's ministry is to set an atmosphere of worship and teaching of the Bible where children of all ages experience the presence of God.


Jesus said "Let the little children come unto me for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 19:14 

Prayer Team

The prayer ministry has been in place since Outreach Church of God was established. God placed the desire in the heart of church leaders, Ruben and Lola Gonzalez, to meet and pray before every service for the needs of our congregation. Their heart's desire is to intercede on the behalf of those in need, the sick, the down hearted, and the lost. They intercede for every service, member of the church, friends, visitors, family, and community neighbors. Their prayers allow the heavens to open and usher in the Holy Spirit, giving Him the freedom to move during our services, as the congregation seeks the presence of God. 

Sunday School

Sunday from 9:45 am -10:30am


Our Bible study is designed to guide the class through a traditional study through the word of God. The structure of the class allows each member to get involved by studying and leading the class through a teaching. Each theme is selected for study and broken into sections which are then given to individuals or groups formed by members. This method has given members an opportunity to practice preaching, teaching and evangelizing in front of a group, while in the comfort and security of those who love and support them.

Women's Ministry

Women of Destiny meetings are held the second Friday of each month at Outreach Church of God. These meetings are for women from the region to come together to build up and encourage one another in their walk with God. The goal of these meetings is to create an atmosphere where the manifest presence of God shows up and heals His people and where miracles, signs and wonders are received.


Missions is the heart of Outreach Church of God. Many have come to know Christ, and by the Spirit of the Lord and His anointing, our mission is to preach good news to the poor, proclaim freedom for the captives, bind up the broken hearted, give sight to the blind, set free the oppressed, and raise up an army for Christ. An army filled with the love, forgiveness, and passion of Jesus Christ!  

With God's provision we are able to help financially, as well as bring Jesus and His truth to the people who need Him. Our Ministry travels several times throughout the year,  God has given us the honor to serve Him in Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Cuba, Holland, the Dominican Republic, Canada and South Africa. We believe God has given Outreach Church of God a passion to touch the hearts of people across the world and we are committed to the call, saying, "Here I am Lord!"

of god



1628 Lakewood Dr.
Brandon, FL 33510

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@2023 by Outreach Church of God

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